Assignment 2: Buffer Manager#

For the second lab, you will implement the buffer manager that uses the 2Q replacement strategy. We have provided you with a set of unimplemented functions. You will need to fill in these functions.

We strongly recommend that you start as early as possible on this lab. It requires you to write a fair amount of code.

Getting started#

Start by downloading the zip file provided for this assignment from Canvas.


In this lab, you need to implement a buffer manager that uses the 2Q replacement strategy. The implementation should take 64 bit page ids and return pages that can be locked (shared or exclusive), read and written. The 64 bits of a page id are divided into a segment id and a segment page id. The most significant 16 bits are the segment id and the least significant 48 bits are the segment page id. When a page is written to disk, it must be stored in a file whose filename is the segment id. Your implementation should support different page and buffer sizes and be able to fix and unfix pages concurrently from different threads.

Implementation Details#

We provide you with the skeleton code required to implement the buffer manager. Add your implementation to the files src/include/buffer/buffer_manager.h and src/buffer/ There you can find the classes BufferFrame which represents a page and BufferManager which represents the buffer manager. All definitions for the methods that you should implement are provided. You can add new member functions and member variables to either class as needed.

It may be useful to use the class buzzdb::File from src/include/storage/file.h. Note that only File.read_block() and File.write_block() are thread-safe. Also, using multiple File objects that refer to the same file concurrently also leads to unexpected results. Also, to ensure thread-safety you can use std::mutex and std::shared_mutex.

Your implementation should pass all of tests starting with BufferManagerTest. Tests whose name contains Multithread are executed with a timeout of 30s. This is done so that a deadlock does not block the tester.

We will also grade your implementation based on its efficiency. You don’t have to optimize on assembly level or try to improve the runtime by microseconds. Instead, we want you to especially take care when holding latches. They should be held as short as possible to enable better concurrency. Most importantly, latches should not be held while reading from or writing to disk as this essentially blocks all other threads for the duration of the I/O operation which can be many milliseconds.

While solving this assignment, we encourage you to first complete the single-threaded implementation before moving to multi-thread test cases.


You must submit your code (see below) as well as an optional one-page writeup (in describing your solution. In the writeup, mention: (i) the design decisions you made, (ii) the missing components in your code, (iii) any difficulties you encountered in completing the assignment. We will award partial credits based on this writeup if you are unable to finish the implementation before the due date or if you get a low score.

Submitting your assignment#

You should submit your code on Gradescope. We have set up an autograder that will test your implementation. You are allowed to make multiple submissions and we will use the latest submission to grade your lab.

bash <name>


Do not add additional files to the zip file, use the script above.

Build instructions#

Enter BuzzDB’s directory and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

We treat compiler warnings as errors. Your project will fail to build if there are any compiler warnings.

Testing Instructions#

To run the test suite in verbose mode use

ctest --verbose

Remove the verbose flag to only get summary information instead of detailed test output that is normally suppressed. Please refer to ctest manual.

We have provided all the test cases for this lab. Gradescope will only test your code against these test-cases.

Your implementation will also be checked for memory leaks. You can check for memory leaks using valgrind.

ctest -V -R buffer_manager_test_valgrind

General Instructions#

Your program must be written only in C++. Your coding style should have well-defined classes and clean interfaces. The code should be well-documented. Each file should start with a header describing the purpose of the file and should also contain your name, GT UserID, and GT email address.

Testing for correctness involves more than just seeing if a few test cases produce the correct output. There are certain types of errors (memory errors and memory leaks) that usually surface after the system has been running for a longer period of time. You should use valgrind to isolate such errors. Command to run valgrind can be found here: You will get a listing of memory errors in your program. If you have programmed in Java you should keep in mind that C++ does not have automatic garbage collection, so each new must ultimately be matched by a corresponding delete. Otherwise all the memory in the system might be used up. Valgrind can be used to detect such memory leaks as well. More information about valgrind can be found at:

In case you encounter any issues when running the code, you can also use debuggers to identify and fix them. Debuggers are tools that allow you to execute your code step by step, inspect the values of variables, set breakpoints, and more. Some popular debuggers for C++ are gdb, lldb, and Visual Studio. You can find more information about how to use debuggers here:

NOTE: Students in CS4420 are not required to pass the multithreading test cases (The ones with their name starting with “Multithread”). However, for students in CS6422, passing all test cases is mandatory to obtain full credit for the assignment.

Algorithm details#

This is a rough outline of the steps you can follow to implement the above methods.

  • fix_page

    1. First check if page is in LRU queue. If found, lock the frame and return.

    2. Search for page in FIFO queue. If it is found, save page in LRU queue and delete from FIFO. Lock the frame and return.

    3. If the page is not found in either queue, find a free slot.
      1. If the current page counter is less than the capacity, simply increment the counter to find the free frame id.

      2. If the page counter exceeds the capacity, check if we can find a free slot (i.e use counter for the frame is 0) in FIFO queue first or the LRU queue.

      3. If we are unable to find a free slot, throw buffer full error.

    4. Once we find a free frame id, lock the frame, read the corresponding page data, push it into the FIFO queue and return.

    5. NOTE :
      1. Make sure that the locking / unlocking is done based on the type of access that is needed (i.e shared or exclusive)

      2. Each lock needs to increment the frame use counter. Similarly each unlock needs to decrement the use counter.

      3. If we find a free slot that is dirty after exceeding the capacity, we need to write the data in the frame before resetting it. This write needs to be done under an exclusive lock.

  • unfix_page

    1. Mark the page as dirty if not already done so.

    2. Decrement the use counter for the frame.

    3. Unlock the frame.

General Clarifications#

  • A basic structure of a BufferFrame is given below. This information should be sufficient to build a working implementation, but you are free to add other features based on your logic:

    : page_id(INVALID_PAGE_ID),
    exclusive(false) {}
  • Please do not modify any file other than and buffer_manager.h. The other files we have provided have helper methods that you can call from your implementation and are not meant to be modified. You are, however, free to add new files that you would like to implement and use.

  • One file that we have provided, which should be of interest to you is file.h, which can be used for file operations. For example, a read and write can be performed as follows:

    auto file_handle = File::open_file(std::to_string(segment_id).c_str(), File::WRITE);
    file_handle->read_block(start, page_size_, pool_[frame_id]->;
  • There are a lot of good references for understanding the 2Q algorithm. The course slide deck gives a good gist of it, which should be the basis of your implementation. This is my favourite external reference to understand it.

  • Please note that you must get locks when accessing the queues: This is a simple mistake, but it is the crux of your implementation - without this, your buffer management implementation would not work.