Assignment 4: Operators#

In the fourth lab, you will be implementing physical operators using the iterator model.

Getting started#

Start by downloading the zip file provided for this assignment from Canvas.


In this lab, you will implement physical operators for your database.

Your code needs to support the following operations:

  • Print: Prints tuples separated by newlines. Attributes should be separated with a comma without any extra spaces.

  • Projection: Generates tuples with a subset of attributes.

  • Select: Filters tuples by a given predicate. Each predicate consists of one relational operator (l == r, l != r, l < r, l <= r, l > r, l >= r) where l stands for an attribute and r stands for an attribute or a constant.

  • Sort: Sorts tuples by the given attributes and direction (ascending or descending).

  • HashJoin: Computes the inner equi-join of two inputs on one attribute.

  • HashAggregation: Groups and calculates (potentially multiple) aggregates on the input.

  • Union: Computes the union of two inputs with set semantics.

  • UnionAll: Computes the union of two inputs with bag semantics.

  • Intersect: Computes the intersection of two inputs with set semantics.

  • IntersectAll: Computes the intersection of two inputs with bag semantics.

  • Except: Computes the difference of two inputs with set semantics.

  • ExceptAll: Computes the difference of two inputs with bag semantics.

Implementation Details#

Add your implementation to the files src/include/operators/operators.h and src/operators/ There you can find the Register class and one class for each operator. All definitions for the methods that you should implement are provided. You can add new member functions and member variables to all classes as needed.

Your implementation should pass all tests starting with OperatorsTest. The tests AdvancedOperatorsTest and BonusOperatorsTest are not mandatory for this assignment. You can complete the assignment without passing these tests and still receive full marks. These tests are only for your own learning and practice. They do not give you any extra credit.


You must submit your code (see below) as well as an optional one-page writeup (in describing your solution. In the writeup, mention: (i) the design decisions you made, (ii) the missing components in your code, (iii) any difficulties you encountered in completing the assignment. We will award partial credits based on this writeup if you are unable to finish the implementation before the due date or if you get a low score.

Submitting your assignment#

You should submit your code on Gradescope. We have set up an autograder that will test your implementation. You are allowed to make multiple submissions and we will use the latest submission to grade your lab.

bash <name>


Do not add additional files to the zip file, use the script above.

Build instructions#

Enter BuzzDB’s directory and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

We treat compiler warnings as errors. Your project will fail to build if there are any compiler warnings.

Testing Instructions#

To run the test suite in verbose mode use

ctest --verbose

Remove the verbose flag to only get summary information instead of detailed test output that is normally suppressed. Please refer to ctest manual.

We have provided all the test cases for this lab. Gradescope will only test your code against these test-cases.

Your implementation will also be checked for memory leaks. You can check for memory leaks using valgrind.

ctest -V -R buffer_manager_test_valgrind

General Instructions#

Your program must be written only in C++. Your coding style should have well-defined classes and clean interfaces. The code should be well-documented. Each file should start with a header describing the purpose of the file and should also contain your name, GT UserID, and GT email address.

Testing for correctness involves more than just seeing if a few test cases produce the correct output. There are certain types of errors (memory errors and memory leaks) that usually surface after the system has been running for a longer period of time. You should use valgrind to isolate such errors. Command to run valgrind can be found here: You will get a listing of memory errors in your program. If you have programmed in Java you should keep in mind that C++ does not have automatic garbage collection, so each new must ultimately be matched by a corresponding delete. Otherwise all the memory in the system might be used up. Valgrind can be used to detect such memory leaks as well. More information about valgrind can be found at:

In case you encounter any issues when running the code, you can also use debuggers to identify and fix them. Debuggers are tools that allow you to execute your code step by step, inspect the values of variables, set breakpoints, and more. Some popular debuggers for C++ are gdb, lldb, and Visual Studio. You can find more information about how to use debuggers here:

Detailed Instructions#

You will add your implementation to the src/operators/ and src/include/operators/operators.h files. We provide you with the skeleton code for all the operators introduced above (one class for each operator) and a Register class. You will need to add the necessary member variables to the class definitions of each operator in the src/include/operators/operators.h file. The functionality of each operator is provided in this header file. Please read through the header file carefully before you start your implementation.

First, you will implement the Register class. The Register class is used to pass tuples between the operators. Each instance of the Register class corresponds to a single attribute. It should support storing 64 bit signed integers and fixed size strings of length 16.

Then you can implement the operator classes. On a high level, each operator is characterized by three functions:

  • open() : Initialize an operator.

  • next() : Try to generate the next tuple; Return true when a new tuple is available.

  • close() : Destroy the operator.

You will implement these functions for all the operators listed above. Where applicable, you will also implement the get_output() function. This returns the pointers to the registers of the generated tuple. When next() returns true, the Registers will contain the values for the next tuple. Each Register* in the vector stands for one attribute of the tuple.

To help you understand the semantics of the code, we are providing you with the implementation of the Print operator here. Note that the actual implementation for each operator may vary significantly.


class Print : public UnaryOperator {
 private: // Add your member variables here
  /// Stream of data
  std::ostream& stream;

  Print(Operator& input, std::ostream& stream);

  ~Print() override;

  void open() override;
  bool next() override;
  void close() override;
  std::vector<Register*> get_output() override;

Print::Print(Operator& input, std::ostream& stream)
    : UnaryOperator(input), stream(stream) {}

Print::~Print() = default;

void Print::open() { input->open(); }

bool Print::next() {
  if (input->next()) {
    std::vector<Register*> input_tuple = input->get_output();
    size_t reg_itr = 0;
    size_t tuple_size = input_tuple.size();
    for (auto reg : input_tuple) {
      if (reg->get_type() == Register::Type::INT64) {
        stream << reg->as_int();
      } else if (reg->get_type() == Register::Type::CHAR16) {
        stream << reg->as_string();

      if (reg_itr++ != tuple_size - 1) {
        stream << ',';
    return true;
  return false;

void Print::close() {

std::vector<Register*> Print::get_output() {
  // Print has no output
  return {};