Assignment 3: B+-Tree#

For the third lab, you will implement the B+Tree data structure.

Getting started#

Start by downloading the zip file provided for this assignment from Canvas.


In this lab, you will implement a B+-Tree index for your database using the header src/include/index/btree.h. The B+-Tree must support the following operations:

  • lookup Returns a value or indicates that the key was not found.

  • insert Inserts a new key-value pair into the tree.

  • erase Deletes a specified key. You may simplify the logic by accepting under full pages.

You will use page ids and the buffer manager instead of pointers to resolve child nodes in the tree. You can assume that the buffer_manager methods fix_page and unfix_page work as described in the lecture. We added a fake buffer manager that allows you to test your code without I/O, so you can focus only on implementing the B+-Tree.

Implementation Details#

The index should be implemented as C++ template that accepts the parameters key type, value type, comparator and page size. Note that this task does not use a dynamic page size but compile-time constants. You therefore have to implement the B+-Tree primarily in the header src/include/index/btree.h but you are able to compute a more convenient node layout at compile-time.

You can test your implementation using the tests in test/unit/index/ The tests will instantiate your B+-Tree as BTree<uint64_t, uint64_t, std::less<uint64_t>, 1024>.


You must submit your code (see below) as well as an optional one-page writeup (in describing your solution. In the writeup, mention: (i) the design decisions you made, (ii) the missing components in your code, (iii) any difficulties you encountered in completing the assignment. We will award partial credits based on this writeup if you are unable to finish the implementation before the due date or if you get a low score.

Submitting your assignment#

You should submit your code on Gradescope. We have set up an autograder that will test your implementation. You are allowed to make multiple submissions and we will use the latest submission to grade your lab.

bash <name>


Do not add additional files to the zip file, use the script above.

Build instructions#

Enter BuzzDB’s directory and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

We treat compiler warnings as errors. Your project will fail to build if there are any compiler warnings.

Testing Instructions#

To run the test suite in verbose mode use

ctest --verbose

Remove the verbose flag to only get summary information instead of detailed test output that is normally suppressed. Please refer to ctest manual.

We have provided all the test cases for this lab. Gradescope will only test your code against these test-cases.

Your implementation will also be checked for memory leaks. You can check for memory leaks using valgrind.

ctest -V -R buffer_manager_test_valgrind

General Instructions#

Your program must be written only in C++. Your coding style should have well-defined classes and clean interfaces. The code should be well-documented. Each file should start with a header describing the purpose of the file and should also contain your name, GT UserID, and GT email address.

Testing for correctness involves more than just seeing if a few test cases produce the correct output. There are certain types of errors (memory errors and memory leaks) that usually surface after the system has been running for a longer period of time. You should use valgrind to isolate such errors. Command to run valgrind can be found here: You will get a listing of memory errors in your program. If you have programmed in Java you should keep in mind that C++ does not have automatic garbage collection, so each new must ultimately be matched by a corresponding delete. Otherwise all the memory in the system might be used up. Valgrind can be used to detect such memory leaks as well. More information about valgrind can be found at:

In case you encounter any issues when running the code, you can also use debuggers to identify and fix them. Debuggers are tools that allow you to execute your code step by step, inspect the values of variables, set breakpoints, and more. Some popular debuggers for C++ are gdb, lldb, and Visual Studio. You can find more information about how to use debuggers here:

Detailed Instructions#

Code structure#

You will implement the B+-Tree in the src/include/index/btree.h file. You are provided with three functions in the skeleton code for the three operations introduced above.

  • std::optional<ValueT> lookup(const KeyT &key) - looks up and returns the value of the node with key specified by the parameter key.

  • void insert(const KeyT &key, const ValueT &value) - Inserts a new key-value pair specified by the parameters key and value into the tree.

  • void erase(const KeyT &key) - Deletes the key specified by the parameter key.

In addition to these functions, we have also provided the skeleton code for structures that represent different nodes in the B+-Tree:

  • Node - This is the base structure for all the nodes in the B+-Tree.

  • InnerNode - This structure should be used to represent the inner nodes of the tree.

  • LeafNode - This structure should be used to represent the leaf nodes of the tree.

Note that InnerNode and LeafNode inherit members from the base Node object.

Following are some of the important members from InnerNode and LeafNode that you will need to implement:

  • static constexpr uint32_t kCapacity - The capacity of a node.

  • std::pair<uint32_t, bool> lower_bound(const KeyT &key) - Get the index of the first key that is not less than than a provided key.

  • void insert(const KeyT &key, uint64_t split_page) - Insert a key.

  • KeyT split(std::byte* buffer) - Split the node.

  • void erase(const KeyT &key) - Erase a key (Used only with leaf nodes).

  • std::vector<KeyT> get_key_vector() - Returns the keys (Used only while testing your implementation). -

  • std::vector<uint64_t> get_child_vector() - Returns the child page ids (Used only while testing your implementation).

Algorithm details#

This is a rough outline of the steps you need to follow to implement the above methods.

  • Lookup

    1. Locate the leaf node corresponding to the key.

      1. Start with the root node.

      2. Is the current node a leaf?

      • if yes, return the current page.

      • if no, find next node to traverse (hint: use inner_node->lower_bound method).

      • repeat b until leaf node is found.

    2. Once leaf node is found, find first entry ≥ search key (use binary_search).

    3. If such entry is found, return it, else return no key is found.

  • Insert

    1. Create a new root if needed(code snippet provided).

    2. Locate the appropriate leaf page (same as step (i) in lookup).

    3. Starting with the leaf node, execute the following actions.

    4. Is there free space on the node(leaf/inner)?

      • If yes, insert entry and stop (use node->insert).

    5. Split the node(leaf/inner) into two (use node->split method).

    6. Insert key into the appropriate node(leaf/inner).

    7. Insert return value of node->split as separator into parent.

      • If the parent overflows, follow steps 4 through 7 on the parent node until node with free space is found.

    Note: If any node in the process does not have a parent, create new root and update its children.

  • Erase

    1. Lookup the appropriate leaf page (same as step 1 in lookup).

    2. Remove the entry from the current page (use leaf_node->erase method). (note that erase becomes lot easier in our case because we allow under full pages)

  • Capacity - Here, you will implement the logic to compute the capacity of a given node.

Additional References#

Check out this cool visualization of B+ trees.

General Clarifications#

  1. Each node in the B+tree is a page. The B+tree index can be a large collection of pages on disk (that do not fit in the buffer pool). The B+tree index implementation uses the buffer manager to fetch the relevant pages while searching for a key or inserting/deleting a key. - Values in inner nodes are page_ids (uint64_t) of other inner nodes or leaf nodes. - Values in leaf nodes are of type ValueT. - The separator key in an inner node is equal to the leftmost key in its right child node. So that all keys less than this separator key are in the left child node and all keys >= this  separator key are in the right child node.

  2. Set kCapacity

static constexpr uint32_t kCapacity =
(PageSize - sizeof(Node)) / (sizeof(KeyT) + sizeof(ValueT));
  1. You will need to add some more member variables in Node. Examples (this list is not complete – you can get creative here):

/// node id
uint64_t node_id = INVALID_NODE_ID;
/// parent's node id
uint64_t parent_node_id = INVALID_NODE_ID;
/// The level in the tree.
uint16_t level;
  1. Instantiate an object from the char buffer

KeyT split(char *buffer) {
auto ``*right_inner_node`` = new (buffer) InnerNode();
  1. Ignore the last element in keys for InnerNode (since it has kCapacity-1 keys and kCapacity values).

  2. Nodes are connected using node_id. Example:

node_id = inner->children[result.first];
buffer_manager.unfix_page(*frame, false);
frame = &buffer_manager.fix_page(node_id, false);
node = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(frame->get_data());
  1. To simplify your implementation, you can allow underflow in nodes (i.e., you need not merge nodes with no keys).

  2. Initialize an inner node in this manner:

inner->children[0] = left_node_id;
Then add an entry in this manner
inner->insert(parent_key, parent_node_id)
inner node can store kCapacity-1 keys and kCapacity pointers
Do not use the last slot in keys for inner node.


  1. Can you clarify the terminologies used in this assignment? - Key - Key of an element you want to insert/lookup/erase from the dictionary

    • Value - corresponding value associated with the key

    • Page ID - same as what we had in Assignment 2 (linked to a page in the segment)

    • Node ID - No such concept as node ID. But this can be treated to be same as Page ID because in our implementation, one node is stored per page

  2. What are differences between the split methods for inner node and leaf node? - Both the inner and leaf node’s split method should create one new node (it should use the memory address input *buffer to do so). So the node on which the split method is called will shrink and lend some keys and children/value to the newly created node - The assigning of parent pointer can be done inside (since both the old and newly created node would have the same parent), while setting the child pointers in parent can be done outside the method (since the split key is anyway returned from the split method)

  3. Will the node’s keys array have duplicate values? Repeated inserts with the same key should be treated as “updates”. Ex. if a (K1, V1) already exists in the tree and we call insert(K1, V2), then lookup(K1) should return V2.

  4. How to fix/unfix a page? - BufferManager provides a way to access individual nodes (via page ID). - In our implementation, we store one node per page (so you could presumably consider them to be one-to-one mapped). So, whenever you want to access any node of the tree, you would need to ask the buffer manager to fix the page (using PageID) which stores that node. The buffer manager would return you the buffer frame after fixing that page in the pool and you can then use the get_data() method on the frame to get the node. - After you are done using that page, you should unfix the page by calling the appropriate method on the buffer manager. - Inner Nodes have keys as regular keys and values as page IDs of its children inner/leaf nodes. Leaf Nodes have keys as regular keys and values as the actual values stored in the B+Tree.

  5. Is it mandatory to use Binary Search? Yes, we recommend using a binary search. But we don’t deduct a lot of points in the case you use linear search.